We Need Your Jeans

We Need Your Jeans
Hannah at deer camp 2006

Monday, October 29, 2007

We Need Your Jeans!!!

Hello! I am writing to update everyone on the quilt. We have not received any jeans from anyone. I have a pair that my Mom had left for me that I am using. So I am begging if you would like to be apart of Hannah's first quilt please get these to us.

I wanted to invite everyone to Hannah's seventh Birthday. It will be at 3:00 in Wheelersburg, Ohio at Adventure Kingdom. We have a room rented from 3:00-4:30pm on Saturday, November 3rd, 2007. So please come and join the fun.

This week has been a busy one. Monday started off at my Mother-in-laws I painted her bathroom door. Hannah was having a cow about the privacy act. It just came into effect this past August. She is growing up and she doesn't want anyone to see, hear or be near her while she is using the bathroom.

Caleb had a physical Monday he had to have one to try out for Basketball. Tuesday I worked at home, Wednesday, Greg came home he had gotten rained out. We went to finish up the door project. He hung it and I touched up the paint. Caleb and practice so Greg picked him up. Thursday, I worked at home getting things together for what I thought was to be a Saturday Yard Sale. Caleb had practice again that evening. Friday, I had to go to school for a bake sale for the Fall Festival. Caleb and Hannah are both running for King and Princess title. We made ninety-eight dollars. Basketball try outs were at 3:00. Greg picked Caleb up at 4:30. He had to drive him back at 6:00 the coach would have posted the list on the window. Caleb did not make the team but he got to learn a lot about basketball and what he needed to work on for next year. Saturday there was no yard sale due to the weather. Greg and Caleb went and cut wood for Carolyn. They still have several more loads to cut hopefully the weather will be nicer than it was on Saturday.

Hannah is sure getting excited about sewing her quilt. We have been gathering extra jeans we all have outgrown or don't use around the house.

Has anyone started Christmas Shopping?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Our Family Quilt

Hello everyone! Hannah and I are getting ready to start a special family quilt. I wanted to write and ask if you would like to be apart of Hannah's first quilt. We are asking for an old pair of your used jeans. Each jean block on her quilt will represent that person, whom we care about and love.

I am trying to get things ready before the second week of November. So Hannah and I can start quilting. We want to work on this project during "Deer Season". While Greg and Caleb are at deer camp. We then can spend quality GIRL time alone. No Boys!

We have a quilt like this already in our family. And yes it was packed in the car when we went on that special camping trip Ellen described in her blog. However our family has grown and both the kids love and want this quilt. Caleb isn't giving in. He had it first. Greg and Caleb have always taken this to deer camp. Because it is the warmest quilt ever.

Our family quilt has a block from everyone we could get a piece from. Carolyn helped me gather pieces for this quilt from Greg's family and I recycled jeans from those in my family. So Greg's quilt has both of our families jeans in it. Caleb and Hannah love asking about the different jean patches in the old quilt and if I can get enough pieces I want to make Caleb a special family quilt also.

Maybe then the old quilt can be returned to it rightful owner. "Greg" may then get to use the quilt that was made for him 18 years ago when he first started with RJ Construction. He got to take pieces of his family with him in his quilt. Reminding him of their love that surrounded him.

This will be an easy project for Hannah. The only hard part is getting the blue jean pieces. I know Hannah will enjoy tracing the patterns out and cutting up the jeans. I am excited to teach her. I know she will love sewing these together using the machine.

I just need your help with your old jean pieces or old pair. We LOVE "pockets" if you just want to give a piece of your jeans. If you will please label whose piece or jeans and get these to me. I really appreciate it.

I want to thank those who can and will help with this project. It would mean a lot to us by have those we love in this quilt. I hope this family jean quilt is a success. I will keep you up to date on how we are progressing.

My address is
Belinda Fyffe
PO Box 171
Quincy, Ky 41166

If you just want to drop it off you are more than welcome. Take care and I hope you will consider helping us in this project.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Journey with Hope

Something terrible has happened to someone I love and he needs our help. My nephew Jarrod Wade Fyffe is going through the toughest time in his life. His best friend was shot by a high powered riffle on Sunday Evening around 5:00 pm. He later died do to injuries he sustained.

Jarrod's 911 call was on a Columbus TV station this morning, as I listened to Jarrod's voice I cried. Hearing the pain in his voice. Knowing his friend was dying and he could not do anything about it. He waited with Nate for an hour before help came.

Not being able to imagine the pain and grief this eighteen year old is going through. He is a great kid with so much going for him. He needs to know we all LOVE him.

Seeing Jarrod yesterday words can't explain how helpless I felt. Wishing you could take the pain away and knowing you can't was undescribable. My heart ached as we talked and cried together. He is so young but he has experienced something that will live with him the rest of his days.

I ask all who read this to keep him in your prayers and please reach out to him. A word of comfort for the days approaching him. Just one word to say I'm sorry for your loss and I love you can help so much.

This new journey Jarrod is on will be the hardest road he has ever walked on this earth. As a teenager I to lost a very close friend on Sept 6, 1990. She died in a car crash. But my grief could not compare to what he is feeling. I wasn't with her when she died.

I know God gives us strength to go through these things and he will never put more on us than we can bare. But their is something each of us can do. We can reach out and go on this journey with Jarrod. We can help by just being a friend. Listening, wiping a tear, and showing him we love him.

Jarrod has so many mixed emotions. And he needs everyone in his family, my family, your family to show they care. My prayer is that everyone who knows him will reach out in his time of need. Show some type of concern and love to him. He needs it. It helps I'm sure. Everyone in their life has done things wrong. It helps to have those who love us to reach out.

We help strangers and when a crisis comes in our own families we tend to step back and miss blessings of helping the very ones we hold dearest in our hearts.

My message today is to reach out to him in some type of way. Maybe just a silent prayer, maybe it be a call and let him know you care. He needs to know we all love him and are praying for him. Maybe send a card of Sympathy. Please speak up and let him know he is not alone in his journey and there is hope.

If you want his address just ask I will provide it to you. As well as his phone number. If you want to send a card of sympathy don't think it will not matter because it does. Some little something means a great amount of encouragment when your the one grieving. He needs us lets be there for him.

Thanks so much to everyone who reads this and takes time out of their busy schedules to show they care and give him a sense of Hope. His journey will be hard but together we all can make a difference in the life of a child.

Belinda Fyffe

Monday, October 15, 2007

Kentucky ~ Land That I Love

Hello! I am not your common everyday lady. I'm a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, and a Kentuckian. I wasn't born in Kentucky. I was born August 29th 1974 in Dearborn MI, just outside of Detroit. We moved to Lewis County on Vance's Creek in 1975. I consider myself born and raised in Lewis County, Kentucky. I have no other memories I can recall except for these I've made in Lewis County, Kentucky. A place like none other a place called Vance's Creek.

On this land I was raised on, I now am raising my children. This place is part of me. It is my roots the land is part of who I am, where I came from. This land shares the good times and bad not just the bounty or harvest some may say. It holds memories of my childhood and of my two children. Memories of their first are here with me. Like their first garden in which they were apart of. And loved ones who have died on this land.

Memories that will never depart from us. Vance's Creek holds memories, shared together as a young family. I am so blessed to be able to share, all the many things I learned here on this land to my children. To breathed in the air in which the wind blows and the smells that bring memories to us all.

This past month I experienced one of my fondest childhood memories. Scents of apples cooking while making apple pie fillin. The smell of Cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. While closing my eyes, I went back to my Grandma's kitchen. It was a warm feeling and I will never forget that smell. I experienced this same smell in Autumn as a child. I was raised just up the road from her, a rock and a skip and a jump. How I miss her and the days of my innocence. She has been gone now for six years. However the scents of autumn will always remain in my heart. The scent brings a part of my childhood autumn memories back from long ago.

I was raised with a simple life that has, yet to be forgotten in my heart. I will never forsake all that I was taught as a child. I hold these dear to my heart and want to share every simple yet important part of who I am to my children. And give them their own roots. To grown and learn, things that make us who we are. I was given a simple life, and with that came a simple love. How it continues on with the next generation is a blessing, pure and so true to treasure in my heart forever.

Being a Kentucky Lady I take a sense of pride in my work. As a mother and as a teacher to my children. I am responsible for so much and yet limited to the time I have to hold my children and protect them from this world. They are so blessed yet I sometimes wish I could give them more than just this simple Kentucky life I have to offer. I know they have so much yet so little. To some children I know they are wealthy beyond comparison. To others they are as poor as a church mouse. I teach my children to thank God for the littlest of things.

I am ever longing to be the mother that my Grandmother was. She was the "rock" in our family the "thread" that kept the family tied together. The "glue" to hold a family together with love. All of that has went by the wayside, since her death. How I long for that again. I know that God will someday give me the desires of my heart. And God will bless my life with a close family also. The Sunday dinners that Grandma would whip up with her love and devotion. Her cure all for a sadden heart was spread by her kindness and love for her family. What a true "Kentucky Lady", what shoes to fill on Vance's Creek. I know I can never replace her, but today I'm doing my very best to be a true Kentucky Lady.

This land that I grew up on, has changed not just, in the landscape but it's landowners. People that grace this land are not as those in my younger days. I being a landowner to am different not only in wisdom but in the modern conveniences of life. For I do not have to do my weekly wash with an old ringer washer.

I don't have to bail water from the well, nor the creek for rinse water. My automatic washing machine and my city water that is provided with a bill every month. My wash day seems to be every day. However I do hang my clothes on a line to enjoy the sunshine and feel the autumn breeze. As those before me have done.

Not just laundry but today we have so much provided for us. We turn a switch and the water, stove, lights, heat, etc. comes on at the flip of a switch. Fall is a time where the first firewood smoke is made to knock the dampness out of the house. Just this week we had the first frost. I got to smell the scent of wood smoke in the air. It brought back the scent of fall in the air.

As a true Kentucky lady, I ask you to take time to smell the scent of fall. And to please ask God for a Thankful heart I know you can find something in a day thank God for. Take a drive in the country and see his marvelous artwork.